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Heart and Science A Story of the Present Time Customer Reviews
:- 1.0 out of 5 stars from PinkyIL -- Creepy Corny Confusion : Just hated everything about this book! I had to think for several days after finishing it, just how to even speak about it in a review. I did not like the content or characters throughout the book. I've read over 30 of WC's books & I am pretty certain this is the only one I came away feeling opressed & depressed after reading. It is so morbidly bad, that I often had to take a break within a chapter & return to it later. Some claim this is didactic?! I fail to see it ... sigh. I just say it is AWFUL. This is my honest opinion & the only part I actually liked was the last two words "THE END"! ( Reviewed in the United States on April 19, 2018 )
- 5.0 out of 5 stars from A kindle reader -- A true writer : Wilkie Collins writes true literature. His plots take unusual turns and though I admire the esteem, curtesy, and almost reverence which he bestows on his women heroines , he has a habit in his writings, of making women very much the (physically) weaker sex... to an exaggerated degree! They seem to faint often and also under duress, go into somewhat catatonic states approaching death. Still, his stories captivate, are very well written, and certainly his characters have interesting and descriptive personalities - the villains despicable, the heroes quite gallant, and the heroines noble and elegant. Often in his stories one of the less noble characters has a "conversion" and it is pleasing to see its unfolding. It's definitely "old charm" reading! ( Reviewed in the United States on July 22, 2016 )
- 4.0 out of 5 stars from Ria B. -- Romance and science in the Victorian age : A very interesting story on Victorian science and the - at that time also controversial - vivisection. The story has it all: a love which is not reciprocated, a society figure who needs to keep up appearances while in debt, an orphan with a frail health condition, rivalry in scientific research and a nice love story. All this is intertwined with intrigue about - what else? - money. I have enjoyed this classic very much. ( Reviewed in the United States on March 21, 2016 )
- 5.0 out of 5 stars from Francesca Salerno -- Five Stars : Wilkie Collins always delivers. ( Reviewed in the United States on September 21, 2016 )
- 5.0 out of 5 stars from Amazon Customer -- Great Read : Mr. Collins is a master of words in providing insight into human behavior. If you're an animal rights advocate the storyline may be troubling at first, but ends well (...sort of!) ( Reviewed in the United States on February 23, 2015 )
- 5.0 out of 5 stars from Richard Ferrie -- Still controversial after all these years : Critics of Wilkie Collins like to say that his later novels are overly didactic and indicate signs of increased drug use. HEART AND SCIENCE is one of those usually so labeled. Because it is an anti-vivisection novel, perhaps the foremost of the 19th century, it is regarded by some (especially those who think that an experiment is stronger if a thousand animals are killed in the process rather than, say, a mere hundred) and often dismissed as sentimental and therefore second-rate. This is hardly the case. HEART AND SCIENCE is a strong, well-structured novel with good characterization and coherent development; unfortunately, Collins decided readers would only purchase the book if the primary plot involved a love story. Perhaps overly-romantic, yes; sentimental, no. While THE MOONSTONE remains Collins' masterpiece, one of the finest pop-to-literature cross-over novels in English, HEART AND SCIENCE deserves to be considered one of the author's best. ( Reviewed in the United States on May 17, 2008 )
- 5.0 out of 5 stars from Paul B. -- A Great Read : Collins's book is very interesting--it's the story, by the inventor of the detective novel, of a tall, evil neurologist driven by the frantic pace of science to disect living, screaming animals in his search for a cure for brain disease. And the Broadview edition is excellent--it provides the primary texts of the vivisection debate of the 1870s and 80s, including Francis Power Cobbe's essay and documentation of the court case. Excellent scholarly work made available and accessible to beginners--I've used the novel in a course on Literature and Science with great success. ( Reviewed in the United States on May 10, 2000 )
- 2.0 out of 5 stars from Frank Seemann [fseeman@gwdg.de] -- Farmer vs. Collins : This book, one of Collins's late sensation novels, is decidely less well constructed than "The Woman in White" or "The Moonstone": you are very often able to tell what will happen next and even how the whole thing is probably going to finish. ( Reviewed in the United States on May 17, 1998 )
- 4.0 out of 5 stars from D.C.Butterfield -- Science and confusion : To read more of his style and what sense he makes of science ( Reviewed in the United Kingdom on April 9, 2019 )
- 5.0 out of 5 stars from canoesailor -- Great : This is another great book from Wilkie Collins, it's well worth a read as are almost all of his books ( Reviewed in the United Kingdom on May 6, 2013 )
- 5.0 out of 5 stars from The Scorer -- I'm biased : I'm biased because I love all Wilkie Collins books. I haven't read a bad one yet..! Great read, very gripping x ( Reviewed in the United Kingdom on February 2, 2013 )
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:Heart And Science: A Story Of The Present Time... : Internet Archive Heart And Science A Story Of The Present Time By Wilkie Collins Heart And Science: A Story Of The Present Time Heart And Science A Story Of The Present Time - Gutenberg - Wattpad Heart And Science: A Story Of The Present Time | Wilkie Collins, Steve... Read Heart And Science: A Story Of The Present Time Online By... Heart And Science: A Story Of The Present Time By Wilkie Collins... Heart And Science: A Story Of The Present Time: Collins, Wilkie... Gitenberg/Heart-And-Science--A-Story-Of-The-Present-Time_7892... Heart And Science: A Story Of The Present Time (Audio Book) LibriVox recording of Heart and Science: A Story of the Present Time by Wilkie Collins. Read in English by deongines; Lisa Reichert; Mary Herndon Bell; Mike Pelton; acousticwave; Michelle Schroff Heart and Science is one of Wilkie Collins' didactic novels. Heart and Science tells the story an evil aunt, a creepy doctor, a budding romance, and the horrors of vivisection. An enjoyable read, Collins's novel is A close friend of Charles Dickens from their meeting in March 1851 until Dickens' death in June 1870, William Wilkie Collins was one of the best known... Wilkie Collins. Summary. Heart and Science is one of Wilkie Collins' didactic novels. It is the story of young doctor Ovid Vere, who fights for his love against all resistance of his family and their immediate circle of acquaintances. Heart and science ***. Produced by James Rusk. A novel that tells no story, or that blunders perpetually in trying to tell a story--a novel so entirely devoid of all sense of the dramatic side of human life, that not even a theatrical thief can find anything in it to steal--will nevertheless be a work that wins... Heart and Science, one of Wilkie Collins' later novels, is concerned with the debate over what he termed 'the hideous secrets of vivisection.' The tale of a family split by various opinions and sentiments, as well as the novel's clear parallels to the animal welfare/animal rights debates of today will strike... "Heart and Science", one of Wilkie Collins' later novels, is concerned with the debate over what he termed 'the hideous secrets of vivisection.' The tale of a family split by various opinions and sentiments, as well as the novel's clear parallels to the animal welfare/animal rights debates of today will strike... Heart and Science: A Story of the Present Time by Wilkie COLLINS (1824 - 1889) Genre(s): General Fiction Read by: deongines, Lisa Reichert, Mary Herndon... Heart and Science: A Stor... has been added to your Cart. HEART AND SCIENCE is a strong, well-structured novel with good characterization and coherent development; unfortunately, Collins decided readers would only purchase the book if the primary plot involved a love story. Heart and Science: A Story of the Present Time by Collins, Wilkie is a Project Gutenberg book, now on Github. For more information and how to get involved see the CONTRIBUTING section of the GITenberg website. Heart and Science is one of Wilkie Collins' didactic novels. It is the story of young doctor Ovid Vere, who fights for his love against all resistance of his family and their immediate circle of acquaintances. Heart And Science: A Story Of The Present Time By Wilkie Collins · Download This Ebook · Similar Books · Bibliographic Record Heart And Science: A Story Of The Present Time By Wilkie Collins. Heart And Science, One Of Wilkie Collins' Later Novels, Is Concerned With The Debate Over Read Heart And Science By Wilkie Collins With A Free Trial. Read Millions Of Ebooks Heart And Science: A Story Of The Present Time. By Wilkie Collins. Ebook `Heart And Science A Story Of The Present Time`: Ebooks List Of Wilkie Collins. Heart And Science By Wilkie Collins - Heart And Science Turns On The Fate Of The Orphaned Carmina Graywell, Who Is Left In A Story Of The Present Time. This Historic Book May Have Numerous Typos And Missing Text. Purchasers Can Download A Free Scanned Copy Of The Original Book (Without Typos) From The Read "Heart And Science: A Story Of The Present Time" By Wilkie Collins Available From Rakuten Kobo. *** Original And Unabridged Content. $0.99 In Stock Heart and Science: A Story of the Present Time by Wilkie Collins Read Heart and Science Online by Wilkie Collins | Books Heart and Science A Story of the Present Time Heart and Science eBook by Wilkie Collins Heart and Science; A Story of the Present Time Volume 1 A Story of the Present Time eBook by Wilkie Collins
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